Friday, April 10

26 years, 7 months, 29 days

That's how long I worked at the last job.  My first job.  The job I fell into out of college when I was a (literally) hungry English major with a fresh new degree, and no prospects.  I still remember the name of the woman who recommended me as a part-timer, and my first manager, and even the name of HIS boss, the woman who said "I don't like to hire college graduates, they think they know everything."  

All those years, so many new things to learn and do and be, so many changes.  The last change was one too many, though, and it was time to move on.

I hope this new job works out, the one I start next week, and I expect it will.  I'm smart and loyal and hard-working and generally everything an employer loves.  I also hope I'm not still there 26 years, 7 months, and 29 days from now!

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