Wednesday, April 29

Back to the W

Going back to WW tonight.  I've been half-assing it for six months, which means my ass is actually still double the size I'd like it to be.  This time I'm going with a friend, so...added accountability.  And I'm going after work, so no excuses about getting up early, and no whining about missing an hour of wasted time playing WoW.

(That's a whole nother story, a person my age sucked in to the vortex that is WoW, and how filled with stupid teeny boppers it is...)

Anyhow, wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 22

Holy crap.

This shit is HARD.  It has been a long time since I felt like I didn't know what I was doing at work, and I. Don't. Like it.  Not at all.  I need to remember that today was Day 5, and cut myself some slack, but still.........

I made some good headway with the natives, however, so that helps.  

I had  caramel-filled chocolate cupcake with salted dark chocolate frosting for dinner.  That helps too, at least until I get on the scale tomorrow morning.

Fuck tomorrow.  I neeeeeded that cupcake tonight!!

Thursday, April 16

Day 2

Day Two, and I still really, really like my new job.  I feel the teensiest bit out of my depth now and then, but it generally happens when people are talking about projects they have been working on for months and know inside and out, so that's perfectly normal.

It is very odd,  how comfortable I feel -- not like it's a new job, more like an old job in a new place with new people.  I feel like I belong, in a way I never did with the previous folks.   (Not the Original Folks, the Merger V. 1.0 Folks.  The Original Folks were supremely awesome. [I never got to know any Merger V. 2.0 Folks, so can't comment about them.])

Things are much better on the commute front, too, although there was a heinous backup this morning, it was in an unusual place.  On the drive home I looked down and noticed I was going 83 MPH.  Oops....

All in all, best decision I've made in  a long, long time!

Tuesday, April 14

Yes, I'm a 13-year old boy in disguise.

My last day off before the new job, and World of Warcraft is down all day!!

How am I ever expected to get to Level 20 at this rate???

Monday, April 13

Drunken Post No. 1

Hopefully there will never be a Drunken Post No. 2.

I watched the season finale of Saving Grace, with two glasses of wine to keep me company.  I wept.  Nearly at the end, the most wrenching part, my son came home, and I tried to keep my shit together because he does not need to know his mom falls apart watching t.v. 4 days a month.  But Saving Grace...who didn't cry, who also watched both seasons???

Now I'm drinking a White Russian, made with good ingrediants in questionable proportions.  My teeth are numb, a sign that my brain is also numb.  As is also the number of typos I"m making (and hopefully mostly correcting) in here.

Is it ironic that I'm drunk and my husband and our houseguest are at an AA meeting?  I think it is.........

Someday there will be content here.  Just not today.  Tonight.  Maybe tomorrow.

Don't count on it...

Sunday, April 12

The family I married into.

They are really, really great -- in four hour doses.  

The food was good, the conversation was mostly good (and I held my own and then ducked out on the one with the Conservative Christian BIL), the booze was good, the weather was good, and two-thirds of the dogs were good.

I'm going to take a nap now, and recover from Easter.

Friday, April 10

26 years, 7 months, 29 days

That's how long I worked at the last job.  My first job.  The job I fell into out of college when I was a (literally) hungry English major with a fresh new degree, and no prospects.  I still remember the name of the woman who recommended me as a part-timer, and my first manager, and even the name of HIS boss, the woman who said "I don't like to hire college graduates, they think they know everything."  

All those years, so many new things to learn and do and be, so many changes.  The last change was one too many, though, and it was time to move on.

I hope this new job works out, the one I start next week, and I expect it will.  I'm smart and loyal and hard-working and generally everything an employer loves.  I also hope I'm not still there 26 years, 7 months, and 29 days from now!