Saturday, February 21

Hope for Spring

Finally, the sun/rain combination is enough for the mustard to start blooming in the vineyard!   Not that you can tell from the crappy cellphone picture, but trust me, it's there!  And not a minute too soon, either...this is the time of year when I lose all hope that spring will ever come, and 2009 has been no different in that regard.

Good things are on the bubble however -- 
1) new electric wheelie is in the house, with car lift to come soon.  Going to check out new flooring options this afternoon, because between the dogs and the mud-tracking boys and aforementioned new electric wheelie...the carpets are shot to hell.  I'd love to have people over, but the thought that they might actually look down and see the AAAAAHHH!! that is our carpets keeps me from inviting anyone.
2) mysterious job-related things
3) the very edible Tom Cavanaugh has a new show, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that this one will last.  Please watch Trust Me on USA on Mondays, people, keep Tom working!
4) the Oscars are tomorrow.  Pretty dresses and sexy tuxes and interesting hair, plus Slumdog Millionaire is bound to win a bunch of stuff.
5) I deleted the entire history of this blog and have started over.  Fresh starts, mmmmm, good!

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